After wearing hearing aids for over 30 years, I consider myself qualified to post an honest review of the app and product. Specifically, after this weeks app update the hearing aids stopped working. I called the Resound support number to be told that because my problem was an "isolated" event and it was Friday afternoon, they would have to refer my issue to someone to look at on Monday- leaving me 2+ days with inoperable hearing aids. I then contacted my dispenser only to learn that the issue was widespread- contrary to the excuse given to me by Resound support. Not only did Resound force me to go a few days without my hearing aid, they obviously dont understand that people rely on their product for our livelihood and fulfillment of lifes activities.
Again Resound updated their app this week and deemed my hearing aids defunct. Because their support does not open for a couple more hours (8:00CST) I now have to wait to get my hearing aids operable again. It appears that the Resound marketing department has done a wonderful job placing this product as one worth $6,000+ but the operations simply fail to support such an offering.
Paulie Vanch about ReSound Smart, v3.3.1